Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Are you ready to crash through resistance and self-sabotage?

I just get sick and tired of getting in my own way, don’t you?

Sometimes it feels like somebody planted a psychological time bomb in me that goes off at that exact second I’m about to break through with a huge success. Does that ever happen to you? If so, you’re not alone.

And do you know what’s even more frustrating?

I just learned something shocking -- someone actually did set that time bomb to go off, at just the right time, and it’s ticking away right now in you, and in me. And please don’t get upset with me for saying this but…that someone was YOU.

No, you didn’t do it on purpose…in fact, it really wasn’t even your fault. How could you even help it?

All around you, for your entire life, people have been planting negative messages about money, like seeds germinating in your fertile subconscious mind. And they grow. And they Grow. nd they GROW some more until, just like weeds in your garden they take over everything…

Unless you take some radical action to change that…it WILL keep happening.

But I have some great news!

My friend Margaret Lynch has developed a System to crash through your barriers to success…to blow past your blocks and to kick your internal resistance and self-sabotage time bombs to the curb.

I just saw this Video and I’m blown away… in minutes … yes, minutes, Margaret Lynch can show you how to simply tap away the internal resistance that keeps you from achieving what you truly desire in your life.

It sounds crazy I know (in fact it looks a little crazy too), but it works!


Margaret Lynch is absolutely brilliant at helping you to pinpoint exactly where those resistance points are and then she’ll introduce you to this funny-looking technique that amazingly just melts away the blocks.

You really have to see it to believe it, so while she’s still offering this Mind-Blowing Video at no charge, you should jump on the opportunity:


About 15,000 people watched her last video in just one day…and it was amazing to see how many reported that they had an immediate breakthrough….

I look forward to hearing about yours.

To Your Success,
Grace Jee

the secret of intentional wealth

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