Sunday, September 16, 2012

Does It Take Money To Make Money?

Does it really take money to make money?

Over and over I hear the same statement, “It takes money to make money.”

This money statement has been drilled into our heads from childbirth and instead of being questioned,
it is accepted as fact.

People cannot understand why anyone could sell anything for "no money". 


People often ask Robert and Kim Kiyosaki (multi-millionaires) how they can get started investing with little or no money.  Their answer is  investing your financial education.

This is because, after years of experience, they’ve learned that you and your financial intelligence are your most important assets.

There are always opportunities to do deals and make money, but only someone with financial education can see and capitalize on the best opportunities.

Only by expanding your thinking and see deals in a whole new way, leveraging your knowledge and existing resources, then you will get into bigger and bigger deals – even without money.

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