Friday, November 30, 2012

New Facebook feature & my New Blog

The new Facebook feature that I still get questions on a regular basis about is the subscribe feature.

This new Facebook feature (if you enable it) makes your Facebook profile more of an open platform, like  Twitter  or  Google Plus, and any status updates that you specify as "public" will post for both your friends and your subscribers.

If you want facts about the new subscribe feature from Facebook directly check out the link below:

If you want to allow subscribers just go to your profile and click the "subscribers" link below your profile picture.
Facebook will ask if you want to allow subscriptions to your posts and once you do you're ready to go.

I like this new Facebook feature, it eases the process of creating new connections on  Facebook, so if you want to connect with new people and build your online brand I recommend you enable it.

The second feature Facebook enabled is the ability to send your personal Facebook status updates automatically to Twitter.

You can also follow me on Twitter at

New Blog!

Although I have not set off fireworks or had an official launch party yet, I launched a new
Personal Development Sources blog.

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